Talks and workshops

Laura frequently presents at training events around the world and online. Below are just a selection of examples for which video recordings are available. Click the thumbnails to view the videos.

If you’d like to invite Laura to speak at an event, please get in touch.

You can also click here to view a full archive of Laura’s training presentations, publications and interviews.

Effective teaching, effective learning: How do we know what works? (Better Learning Conference, UK, 2016)
“Lunch with Laura”: Listening skills (Facebook Live event, 2017)
“Lunch with Laura”: Reading skills (Facebook Live event, 2017)
“Lunch with Laura”: Bite-sized learning (Facebook Live event, 2017)
How research can help us define “successful” language learning (Better Learning Annual Conference, expert panel contribution, 2016) – starts at 2min 25sec
Everything you always wanted to know about pronunciation* (*but were afraid to ask) (10-minute Pedagogy Pop-up, UK, 2016)
How to give learners feedback on their pronunciation (IATEFL Annual Conference, UK, 2017)
Panel discussion: Digital trends in English language teaching (Online, 2016)